Little TidyMe is a service entirely dedicated to our little(or not so little!) ones. Anyone with children will know how challenging is to keep children’s bedroom tidy while at the same time letting children be themselves. I can help you create lovely tidy bedrooms designed with children in mind which will encourage their independence when it comes to tidying up.

Little TidyMe services include:

  • sorting out children’s wardrobes including summer and winter wardrobes, school and leisure clothing, clothes to pass on, charity etc.

  • re-organising children bedrooms in a functional and tidy way

  • treasure boxes for those items you are emotionally attached to

  • packing up for holidays for your children. From clothes to toys and everything in between, I can help you do the packing so you don’t have to.

If you are expecting I can help too by organising the baby’s nursery including suggestions on furniture, equipment you might need, storage space, items of clothing for the newborn.
His/Her room will be ready to welcome them to the world and your newly organised space will help you settle more peacefully in your new role.