I am a member of the APDO (Association of Professional Declutterer and Organiser). I am fully insured, DBS checked and registered with the Information Commissioner Officer.

TidyMe is a completely confidential service. I will never discuss my clients with a third party unless agreed. You might want to share pictures of your newly organised home for use on the TidyMe website, Facebook or Instagram account but this will be entirely up to you. All clients’ photos are anonymous.

The way TidyMe works is simple and straightforward:

During the initial no obligation, free consultation by phone/Skype/Facetime I will assess your needs and ultimate goals taking into consideration your lifestyle.

We’ll then agree on how much you want to achieve with my help and I will suggest how many hours’ work could be involved in order to reach your goals. If you decide TidyMe would be beneficial to your needs and wish to book a TidyMe session, we’ll agree on a date and time.

During a TidyMe session I will take a good look in person at the property to get a better feel about the premises and briefly go over your needs once again.

I will most likely separate items into different categories: keep/charity/sell. This is a good starting point which will help you focus on what is needed and what is not.

You can either decide to be there during the decluttering process or not be involved at all. Some clients find it helpful to be there as they want to get practical advice on how to organise their space and make the most of what they own. Other clients prefer to leave me to it. Either way please be reassured that nothing will be thrown away without your consent. Realistically, it is inevitable that you’ll have to let go of some items if you want to see any change. You will however be supported in the process throughout. My ultimate goal is for you to be happy and content about the space around you and your belongings and will strive to achieve that.

Once we know what you want to keep I will reorganise everything and find everything a home, making the most of the available storage and space. Where possible I will re-use storage boxes and baskets you already have and I will advise on items you might need to purchase if need be in order to keep your newly organised space clutter free, tidy and beautiful.

At the end of the session I will guide you through your newly organised space and answer any questions you might have while at the same time offering practical advice on how to maintain your home clutter free and tidy.

It will ultimately be your responsibility to dispose of unwanted items, I am however more than willing to help take away bags to charity and give advice on the best way to sell what you don’t want to keep.

I will follow up each TidyMe session with a phone call after a week to check on your progress and offer all the practical support you might need. It is then up to if you wish to book a second session after a month to consolidate what has been achieved or simply discuss a maintenance plan at regular intervals which will allow you to maintain and ultimately absolutely love the space around you.